Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Cath Pre-Op

Evin had pre-op for her cardiac cath this afternoon.  We were there for a little over 4 hours.  They actually combined the pre-op for her cath and the pre-op for her surgery, all into today.  Her surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, September 3rd, the day after Labor Day, so they decided just to do pre-op for it today instead of having us come back in on Friday when we will just have left on Thursday. 

Waiting to go into our room.

I am so proud of how well Evin did today.  She only fussed a few times and then got really upset once when they drew her blood.  I don’t blame her a bit, as I got upset too!  This was probably the most upset I have ever seen her, and man, it was rough. 

Today they checked her vitals, got her height & weight, drew blood, took a chest x-ray and we filled out LOTS of paperwork.

Before all the tests got started...hence the smile!

Here were her stats from today:

Weight:  12 lbs 14 oz
Height:  25.2 inches (I have a feeling she was pretty generous in measuring this)
O2 Sats:  91

Poor baby after getting her blood drawn.

They gave us quite a bit of information about the procedure tomorrow and her surgery next week.  We briefly chatted with quite a few nurses, nurse practitioners, and the anesthesiologist. 

We arrive at 6:45 in the morning (yuck), and we expect that the cath should take about 4 hours.  We will be moved to a room with Evin afterwards, and will stay the night with her.  We hope to be (and should be) discharged Thursday.

Showing today's battle wound (on her arm) when we got home.

Please pray for our little girl.  We are extremely anxious about everything that she will endure over the next few weeks.  We are so thankful for any thoughts and prayers sent her way.

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