Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hospital Update- 3/29/2013

Email sent to family and friends on 3/29/2013:

Evin had a nice, restful day today! 

-The breathing treatments and nasal mask that they put her on late last night did wonders for the fluid in her lungs.  Her x-ray this morning looked great!

-She was on the nasal mask all day to continue to help with the fluid and they will keep her on this until tomorrow and then start weaning her off of it.

-She started receiving breast milk through a feeding tube today and has tolerated it so far.  We hope this continues tomorrow and that she is digesting it all!

-She is becoming much more alert and will open her eyes and look around for long stretches of time.  Her cry has strengthened since yesterday, too!

-We have been trying to give her a pacifier every once in awhile in order to reteach her how to suck and breathe at the same time.  She caught on tonight and went to town.  Hopefully this means she will pick up quickly on feeding, too.

Each doctor tells us a little differently, but we are hoping to move back into the NICU by Monday or Tuesday.

I have gotten some questions about how Mitch and I are doing.  Here are the answers:

-We are doing as well as can be expected.  We have talked about how God gave us Evin as our sweet little girl, but also how He intended for us to be her parents.  He must feel that we are fit for her and that we can handle this difficult journey.

-Mitch’s work has been great so far and told him to take the time that he needs.  He has been using vacation time up until this point.  We are going to see how Evin does in the next week or so and then decide when he will need to go back to work. 

-Mitch and I have not left the hospital since we got here last Friday.  We are able to stay the night with Evin each night, even though some nurses have tried to convince us to go home to rest for a night.  In the NICU we had a private room with a door, but in the PICU, where we have been since Tuesday night, we are out in the open.  There are curtains that separate each patient area, but that’s about it.  For the most part, I have been sleeping on a little couch-type bed and Mitch sleeps in a recliner.

Tomorrow they plan to take the breathing mask off of Evin.  Please pray that her lungs are strong enough and she tolerates it well!  The overwhelming support we have received from everyone has been amazing and is a huge encouragement to both of us.  We appreciate your thoughts and prayers!

Mitch & Kori

Practicing with the paci.

A little smile given to Daddy!

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