Wednesday, July 24, 2013

4 months old

It is really possible for my baby girl to already be 4 months old?!  At 3 months I felt like she was still very newborn-ish, but at 4 months she seems SO big!  She definitely had more changes this month than in any of the previous months.

Weight: 11 lbs 7 oz (5th percentile)

Length: 23 inches  (10th percentile)

Clothes Size: Mostly 3 month, some Newborn (Target brand) and 0-3 month

Diaper Size:  Moved up to 1s at about 14 weeks old

Shoe Size:  1

Eats 7 times a day and is on an every 3 hour schedule.  The first (5:30am) and the last (11:30pm) bottles she usually just takes 1-2 ounces.  During the day she started taking 4 ounce bottles at 13 weeks old.  At 16 ½ weeks old we moved up to 4.5 ounce bottles during the day.  She still gets fortified breast milk from a bottle (Playtex Drop-Ins).

She still takes about an hour to take a bottle.  Because of her heart, she tires out easily while eating.  She is only actively eating for about 20-25 minutes of that time, but she takes about half of a bottle, takes a break, takes a little more, takes a break, etc.  For some reason she doesn’t usually take the second half of the bottle very well while she is in our arms, so we put her in her bouncer and give it to her in there.  Strange, but it works!

Evin seemed to be in her size newborn clothes forever, and when she finally moved up to 0-3 and 3 month sizes, she is outgrowing them quickly!  The width is fine or still a little big, but she outgrows the length of clothes so fast these days.  She is just about too long for many of her size 3 month footed jammies!

She still loves to lay and kick her legs!  She lays on a blanket on the floor and kicks and LOVES to sit in her bouncer and kick her legs.  She is scared of something on her playmat, so she doesn’t lay there often!

She still enjoys bath time and has gotten to where she will kick her legs and splash in the tub.  There are many nights that the walls end up wet!

She went for her first swim at 13 weeks and 2 days and liked it.  She didn’t really smile a ton, but she was very content in the water in Mommy's or Daddy’s arms.

She discovered her hands at 13 weeks old and now constantly has them in her mouth.  She sucks on her fingers or her whole fist.  Her hands are almost always up by her face!  This has also cause her to gag herself and throw up several times…

She seems to be happiest when she is at home.  She smiles and “talks” quite a bit when we are here.  She is more reserved and serious in public and around strangers, but grins a TON for Mommy!

At 14 weeks she took her first trip to Austin.  She had no problem sleeping somewhere new and was a pretty good girl while we were there.  She did wonderfully in the car and slept much of the ride there.  On the ride back she thought it was play time when we got her out of her carseat to eat.  She grinned and had the best time when she should have been eating!

She laughed for the first time at 14 weeks 6 days.  This was music to my ears!  I had been waiting and waiting for her to laugh, so to say I was excited would be an understatement.  Daddy was at work so I quickly grabbed my phone to video it and sent it to him.  She has laughed a few times since then, but she doesn’t do it on a daily basis yet.  The smiles come pretty easily but you have to work hard to get a giggle!

At 15 weeks she really improved at holding her head up during tummy time.  I started laying her flat on the floor (rather than on the boppy) and she would really hold her head up all the way.  She also started grabbing at her blanket and reaching for toys while on her belly.

At 16 weeks I put her in the exersaucer for the first time.  I had to shove 5 blankets in with her since she is still a little small for the seat.  She liked to look at the toys and reached for a few of them, but didn’t really smile much.

At 16 weeks 5 days she rolled over from tummy to back for the first time.  I wasn’t really expecting this from her just yet (because she spent almost a month in the hospital she has been a little bit delayed in her development), so it was a nice surprise!

Evin has been doing this for quite some time now, but she is definitely cautious of strangers and doesn’t like to be held by others or sometimes even talked to by others.  She prefers Mommy, Daddy and close family.  If she gets really worked up it usually takes Mommy to calm her down.

She stopped being swaddled at night at 16 weeks.  I thought she would have trouble sleeping but she slept the whole night and didn’t make a peep!

She likes to be read to, play pat-a-cake and sing other songs.

She likes to watch TV, especially sports with her Daddy.  I already told him that we can’t make TV a habit for her!

She is getting to where she prefers to sit up and see everything rather than laying down.

For the most part, Evin is pretty easy and a good baby.  When she gets worked up it is usually because someone else is holding her or because she is scared of something.  She doesn’t lose her cool often, but when she does she loses it big!  She will cry hard and her face will turn dark red until she is calmed down by Mommy or Daddy. 

I didn’t think it was possible, but the spot in my heart that I have for Evin keeps getting bigger and bigger.  I get so much joy watching her grin, laugh and grow.  She is the sweetest little babe and is definitely the sunshine of our lives!

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