Saturday, July 27, 2013

What's in a Name?

When we were at Cook Children’s with Evin, one of the questions we got most often (from nurses, doctors, etc.) was, “Where did you come up with her name?”

I have ALWAYS loved baby names and have kept a mental list of baby names most of my life.  All of my baby dolls were named, and Kyla and I loved to name our pets as if they were babies- Kyla named her puppy Kaitlin and I named mine Hannah. 

When it came to naming an actual baby, things got a little more difficult!  When Mitch and I found out we were pregnant we immediately started a list of boy names and a list of girl names, with boy names coming much more easily than girl names.  We received some advice from one of my co-workers to start “testing out” the names on our list.  She said that she was able to decide on her baby’s name using this method.  For a week, rather than saying “the baby”, you call it by one of the names on your list.  If by the end of the week you still like that name, keep it on the list and start using a different name the following week.  She said she was able to eliminate some names off of their list because by the end of the week they were tired of some of them.  We hoped it would work for us, too!

After first being told the baby was a boy, then being told it was definitely a girl, we started trying out girl names on our sweet babe.  I had about 3-4 girl names that I liked, but I wasn’t really leaning towards one in particular.  As soon as Mitch found out it was a girl, he said he wanted to “try out” the name Evin first.  Luckily, this was one of the names that we had talked about and it was on both of our lists. 

We called my growing baby bump Evin for a week.  And then two weeks.  And then a few days more.  I then realized that we never started trying out any other names because Evin just seemed to fit so perfectly.  It is a good thing, too, because it is the only girl name Mitch would even consider!

Not only did we think it sounded right, there are so many little connections to the name that make this name perfect for our little girl.

-Evin is the Welsh version of the name John.  John was my dad’s name.  My dad passed away of Lou Gehrig’s disease in 2006 when I was 19 years old.  I know almost every girl says this, but I truly think I had the BEST dad in the entire world.  He couldn’t have been more supportive, loving, or funny (his corny “dad jokes” were the best).  I LOVE that Evin’s name is a version of my dad’s.  I hope that she inherits many of his incredible qualities.

-Evin means “God is Gracious” and “Young Warrior”.  Could these meanings be any more fitting for our tiny fighter?

-“Evans” is a last name from Mitch’s family tree.  I did some family tree research a few years ago and was able to track down names of many of our ancestors.  “Evans” was from many, many years ago, but it is still a neat connection.

We realized many of these things after we had already decided we liked the name.  We mostly chose it because we liked how it sounded, but I don’t think we could have selected a better name for her!

Evin’s middle name is Kate.  I tended to lean towards one syllable middle names for girls and after we chose the name Evin, I pretty quickly narrowed it down to Evin Reese, Evin Paige (my middle name), or Evin Kate.

One night Mitch and I went to dinner and I started writing her name with potential middle names on a napkin.  We looked at initials, monograms and the full name.  We eliminated Reese because both her first and middle name would be unisex names, so we decided that one should be more girly.  That left us with Evin Paige or Evin Kate and we just kept going back to Kate.  While at dinner at Chuy’s Mitch and I decided on our girl’s name!

Evin Kate Armstrong

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