Monday, July 15, 2013

Cardiology Appointment- 5/22/2013

Email sent to family and friends on 5/23/2013:

Hello, all!

Evin had an appointment yesterday with the cardiologist.  We are lucky because Cooks has a cardiology office at the hospital in Mansfield and we are able to see her there instead of driving to Fort Worth.

Evin got another good report! 

-Her oxygen saturation was around 96 this visit, which is still a bit higher than they would like it to be.  I have been checking it about every other day or so at home and it is usually around 95.

-They performed an echocardiogram and reviewed it, and everything looks as they expect it to.  I was able to sit and watch and the nurse pointed out some areas of the heart so I could see the blood flow.  Some areas had smooth blood flow and some had turbulent flow, but again, it looked as they expected it to, which is good news.

-We discussed how Evin has been doing at home, particularly how she is eating.  Occasionally she has some heavy breathing during bottles, so they decided that Evin will now have Lasix twice a day rather than just once a day.  This flushes out excess fluid in her body so her heart won’t have to pump quite so hard.  We saw a difference in Evin after she was put on the once a day dose, so hopefully we see even more improvement with twice a day!

-I asked what we can expect with her next surgery.  She said that at 4 months we will probably make a trip to Cooks for the surgeons to run tests and then set a date for the surgery- probably between 4 & 6 months.  They will use the same incision line that they used for the first one, but this time she will probably come out of surgery with her chest still open due to swelling.  They will close it after a day or two.  The total hospital stay will probably be shorter than it was last time- maybe around 2 weeks.  If there are unexpected complications during recovery, our stay would obviously be extended.  When we meet with the surgeon at 4 months we will get many more details about the procedure and what to expect.

-Evin will go back to the cardiologist 3 weeks from today, on June 12th.

In other Evin news:

- Last Friday Mitch and I took Evin to her 2 month check up with the pediatrician.  Our tiny girl weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces (2nd percentile) and was 21 ¼ inches long (10th percentile).  She is gaining about an ounce a day, which is great!  We will continue feeding her breast milk with formula added in to try and boost her calories and weight gain.  Hopefully after her next surgery her little heart won’t have to be working so hard and she can really take off and grow, grow, grow!  Also, at this appointment poor baby had to have 5 shots, but it might have been harder on Mommy than on Evin!  She was a champ and stopped crying after just a minute or two.

-She turned 2 months old on Monday, which is so hard to believe!  In one way I feel like we just came home with her, and in another way I can’t even remember what life was like before having her.

-She still wears Newborn clothes but is starting to fit into some 0-3 month clothes.

-She would probably love to sleep from about 10pm-6am, but we wake her up a couple of times to eat during that time.  Most new parents wish for a baby to sleep that much, but we are determined for her to gain as much weight as possible before her next surgery!

-She LOVES to be held.  Lucky for her, she has lots of people that love to hold her.  Sometimes she will wake up in her swing or bouncer and start crying hard, but she turns it off the second you pick her up!  I feel like I missed out on almost 3 weeks of getting to hold her due to her first hospital stay, so I am trying to make up for it now. J

-She loves her paci, but also loves her thumb.  There are some days that I fight her on sucking her thumb!  I pull it out and replace it with a paci, but occasionally she ends up with her thumb back in her mouth. 

-She really likes to stretch out on the floor or on her changing table and kick her legs.  Maybe a future soccer player?!?  Daddy likes to think so!

-She is really a good baby and such a little sweetheart.  She has been dishing out LOTS of smiles and it just melts my heart to see her so happy.

MANY thanks to you all for continuing to lift Evin and our family in prayer.  I talk to so many people who tell me, “Oh, my church has been praying for Evin,” or, “My kids pray for Evin every night before bed.”  It makes my heart swell and brings tears to my eyes!  THANK YOU for the prayers.


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