Monday, December 29, 2014

Pretty much all of October

I am trying to catch up on blogging over Christmas break, so October is being lumped into one big ol' jumbled post (and November will be too!).  Get ready for picture overload!

 October means it's time for Halloween clothes!

One of my favorite expressions of hers...I love when she cuts her eyes to the side.

My favorite tiny dinner date.  She is mostly well-behaved when we go out to eat.  I just wish she didn't eat so fast so she wouldn't finish way before the rest of us!

Polka dot sweatshirt, skinny jeans, gold shoes...does it get any cuter?!?

Alex & Elizabeth stopped by to bring Evin a treat on their way back to Brady one afternoon.  She enjoyed reading some books with them!

One of my favorite things is going to breakfast with my main man and my main girl.

Evin has a new-found love of my jewelry, bracelets in particular.  This day she took them on and off and admired them for a solid 20 minutes.

Giving me a toned down version of her "look" while grabbing dinner one night.  With Daddy going to school two nights a week, that leaves us girls on our own for dinner.

Watching a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  I feel sure this lasted no more than about 45 seconds.  Evin likes the shows on Disney Junior, but she really only sits still during the music parts.  She's too busy for the rest of it, even if she is tired.

Finger in the mouth constantly.  I guess it feels good with those teefers coming in!

Sweet, sweet girl.

Getting ready for a sleepover at Mums' house with a baby doll that Kyla and I grew up playing with.  We very affectionately called her "rubber baby" since she was made of a rubbery material.  Good name, huh?

So very proud to have snagged her daddy's milkshake.  
Soon after this picture was taken, she was dancing while holding it, tripped, and spilled milkshake all over the floor.  What a mess!

Dinner with GiGi & PawPaw!

Loving on the little girl in the mirror.

My happy (and cheesy) shopping buddy.

When did her arms and legs get so long and skinny?  I feel like she grew into a toddler overnight!

Stores started displaying Christmas decor and she was pretty excited about it!  She ooh-ed and ahh-ed over it!

Singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" with Mums.  It's one of her favorites!

After being busy, busy, busy, Evin and I finally had a day together.  We hit up the park and did a little shopping on an unseasonably warm October day.

Making friends at Old Navy.  She loves the dog mannequin!

I think it's obvious that we have practiced sitting on her little potty. Evin decided her make-up mirror looked similar to the potty, so she sat right on down!

Evin spotted this Minnie Mouse sweatshirt earlier while we were at Old Navy and wouldn't let it go.  I bought it for her, and we tried it on when we got home.  She refused to take it off, so she wore it around, size sticker and all.  She also thinks it's hilarious to wear her bloomers on her head.  What a silly goose!

Watching airplanes!

Mitch and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on October 24th.  I was so happy to spend an evening with my favorite guy at a nice restaurant without having to worry about entertaining a toddler. 

We weren't quite sure what to do with ourselves without Evin, so instead of rushing out like we normally do, we enjoyed cheesecake for dessert.

We had a gorgeous and warm Sunday right at the end of October, so we decided to head to the zoo.  We didn't realize that it was also a day they were doing "Boo at the Zoo" so we got about a mile from the entrance and hit dead still traffic.  We quickly decided it wasn't worth fighting the crowd, so we headed to the Museum of Science and History instead. 

It was all a little over Evin's head, so we probably won't go back for another year or so.
She did enjoy a game of, "Who loves her Mommy?" while we waited on Mitch.

They have a cute grocery area that she scooted around in for awhile.

She and Daddy drove the ambulance together, which lasted about 3 seconds because she decided she was scared of it.  In this picture Mitch is trying to convince her to stay in it.  Haha!

She picked out a baby doll and took care of her in the baby nursery.

Bye-bye museum!!!

Halloween posts coming up soon!!!

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