Sunday, June 30, 2013

Hospital Update- 4/8/2013

Email sent to family and friends on 4/8/2013:

Yesterday the doctor put Evin back on a tiny bit of methadone because she was experiencing so many withdrawal symptoms.  Often times when babies are on this medicine during and after surgery, they experience withdrawals when taken off.  She was given a tiny bit at 8am yesterday, which made her sleep most of the day and then stay up most of the night!  I am not sure why doctors decided to give her medicine at 8am that makes her sleepy…I think most people would have decided to give it at night!

Evin still spit up quite a bit yesterday, but it has gotten much better today.  We tried nursing a few days ago and she didn’t have any interest in it, so we tried again last night and she has been nursing wonderfully ever since.  She has spit up just once while nursing, so we hope this plus being back on the methadone is helping with the vomiting. 

Tomorrow the doctor will cut her dose of methadone in half again and start to wean her off of it.  I will continue to nurse and try to get the little squirt to gain some weight.  She weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces tonight, so we need to get her to pack on some pounds!

Mitch had to start back to work yesterday, but is continuing to stay at the hospital at night.  I know it is difficult for him to leave during the day, but he is trying to save up his days to use later in the year for surgery #2. 

Please pray for Evin to continue to eat well and to gain weight!  Also pray for Mitch’s sanity while he is at work and my sanity with a nocturnal infant!


Happy to see his girl after work!

Bright eyed and loving that paci.

Loving the gowns with mittens built in...we know she can't pull out her tube this way!

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