Thursday, June 20, 2013

Waiting for Evin

On March 11th at around 12:30am I woke up having contractions.  It took several times of being woken up by an uncomfortable pain for me to be convinced that I was truly having contractions!  I got up several times to use the restroom and get a drink, but mostly tried to stay in bed and time them without waking up Mitch.  They were very irregular and sometimes lasted longer than a minute and were not at all consistent in how often they came.  I was uncomfortable enough to get up around 3:00 am or so, and went to the living room.  I told Mitch what was going on, and he had a hard time sleeping after that.  Contractions kept up, but they were very irregular.

After Mitch left for work I tried to go back to sleep and slept on and off from about 6-9am.  I called the doctor around 9:30 and they had be drink a glass of water and lay down on my side and time the contractions.  I called back and told them that I had 6 contractions that hour, but that they were not regular.  They asked me to come in to be hooked up to a monitor.

I arrived at the doctor around 11:30 and was put on the monitor and told to push a button every time Evin moved.  I was on it for about 15-20 minutes.  They confirmed that I was definitely having semi-strong contractions and asked if I was in pain.  I was uncomfortable, but they were definitely tolerable.  Evin was moving around just fine and doing well.  The Nurse Practitioner checked me to see if I was leaking fluid, and I was not.  I was 2 (almost 3) centimeters dilated and 75% effaced.  This was a big change from 4 days earlier when I was 1 cm and 0%!

The NP said I was in early labor and to go home.  She said if the contractions became much stronger and become regular, or if my water broke, I needed to go to L&D immediately.  She also warned that the contractions might go away completely and come back a week later. 

The contractions did ease up and then came back later that day.  They did this for about a week straight!  There were some days that I had them all day long and other days that I would only have a couple.  My body was certainly beginning to wear out and I was getting super anxious for Evin to make her arrival.  I tried many “natural” ways to induce childbirth and did lots of walking.  
Taking a stroll with our nephew, Lane, to try to convince Evin to make her appearance!

On March 14th I went in for my 38 week appointment.  I had been having contractions on and off for 4 days.  I was 3-4 cm dilated and 75% effaced and Evin was head down and very low.  The nurse told us that if I had been 39 weeks they probably would have broken my water and sent me on to the hospital, but since I was 38 weeks they wanted to wait.  Mitch and I were OK with that!

Third Trimester Belly Pictures 

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