Sunday, July 19, 2015


Evin would get really fussy/demanding when I didn't come home from school and give her my undivided attention.  I started making sure for the first 30 minutes I was home, I didn't start laundry, cook, or do anything else but play with her.  It helped with her crankiness during that time!

It was nice to get to have such quality time with my silly girl.
  Having bubble fun!

Looks like she spent a little too much time shopping in the toy section at Target.

GiGi & PawPaw got a new swingset and these two had a fun teeter totter ride.  Mitch got in a great leg workout. ;)

Extra cheesy with the Goldfish cracker crumbs in her mouth.

Just helping Daddy mow the lawn with her new bubble mower.  She is ALL about bubbles.

Somehow this picture got left out of the Easter post and ended up here.  Evin had an egg hunt at GiGi & PawPaw's on Easter.  She loved it!  She scurried from room to room filling her basket.

Both Evin and Daddy were happy that the weather in April was pretty nice, so they got to spend lots of time outside on his days off.

Hanging on the bars has become her fav at Little Gym.

Hangin' out with PawPaw

I purchased a new shoe rack for our closet since our previous one kept collapsing on us.  After assembling it in the living room, Evin turned it into an obstacle course.

Everyone loves an afternoon Sonic drink!

While shopping with Mums, Evin selected this gigantic fish to bring home.
(She didn't get it.)

A post-haircut treat.

Hide & Seek with Little E.

Evin's first ice cream truck visit!  First she picked the Ninja Turtle (they were out), then she picked Bugs Bunny (they were out), so she finally settle on the Pink Panther.

She thoroughly enjoyed it and finished the.entire.thing.

Daddy got a new truck this month and Evin got a giant pink balloon out of the deal.

Shooting judgmental glances at people in the Target parking lot.

Evin loves playing in her playhouse and told me she was cooking me "lunch".  This could mean breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack.  Everything to her is "lunch".

Family selfie as we headed to dinner.

Every night after her bath, Evin gets to watch YouTube videos (Peppa Pig, Wheels on the Bus, etc.) on Mitch's iPad or phone while I get her clothes ready for the next day.  This night, she insisted on wearing the towel on her head as she watched.  Goof!

One Sunday we had beautiful weather, so we headed to the zoo for the afternoon.

She loved the PINK flamingos.

Giraffes are always a fav.

We had a fun family day!

She wanted to feed Beckham...

...and as I was snapping pictures...

...she helped herself before I could stop her!

I painted Evin's toes pink for the first time since last summer.  She kept noticing my toes being painted and would point to hers, telling me that she wanted hers done, too.  Last year, I always painted them while she was eating in her highchair, so she couldn't ever really see what I was doing.  This year, I let her sit on the coffee table while I did it.  At first, you would have thought I was cutting her toes off.  She tried pulling away and didn't want me to touch that brush to her toenail.  I knew she would like it once I started, so I insisted that she let me try.  Once I finally got a drop of paint on there, she was fine and let me do the rest.  The rest of the night, she couldn't stop staring at her pink piggies. :)

Evin was excited to visit Marley & Mason.  She could actually say their names this time and talked about going to see them.

Silly Mason!

Evin took a pony ride while we were there.  She loved it!

Three little Texans

We had Iggy's Italian Ice, where they scoop italian ice and ice cream together into one delicious treat.


Evin and Marley played Barbies...

...and played outside together.  Evin loved having kids to play with.  I think Marley had fun, too!

Posing in Kathy's rose garden.

My dinner date giving me "the look" in the cutest way possible.

We ended April with Scout getting bitten by a copperhead snake in my Mom's backyard, and Mitch going over after work to find and kill it.  Yuck!!!

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