Saturday, October 26, 2013

6 weeks post surgery

On Tuesday, October 15th, Evin reached 6 weeks post surgery!  This was a date we had marked on our calendars during her surgery, and we were so excited for it to finally come.  6 weeks post surgery is kind of the "all clear" after surgery.  Her sternal precautions were over (so we could lift her under her arms- woohoo!), the possibility of infection is nearly gone, the steri-strips on her chest have fallen off, no more medicine and we are out of the danger zone.

Of course, we are most excited that we made it through the 6 weeks without infection or Evin getting really sick.  Post-surgery, your immune system is weaker, so we had to be extra careful in keeping her healthy.  She did get a minor cold, but was over it in a day or two.  

We were also pretty excited to be able to pick her up under her arms.  Have you ever tried getting a 6 month old in and out of a high chair, carseat, or exersaucer without picking them up under their arms?  Not fun, people.  It's so wonderful to be able to hold her like a normal baby!

No more Lasix for Evin!  I got to turn the alarm I had set on my phone to remind me every day to give Evin her medicine.  It was such a great feeling!  No more tricking her with her paci, no more taking syringes with us everywhere we go, and we have less wet diapers to change throughout the day.  All good news!

Way to go, baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! I totally know the feeling of turning the medicine alarm off. It's such a great feeling!
