Saturday, May 24, 2014

Ellis Paige Coots' arrival

 The morning of Friday, April 11th was a crazy one!  My mom got a call from Kyla early in the morning that she had been having regular contractions all night and that she was going to call the doctor.  The doctor advised that she go ahead and head to the hospital.  My mom was supposed to keep Evin that day, so we contacted Mitch's mom to see if she could keep her while we were both at work so my mom could head to Austin.  My mom took off with Claire, Kyle's mom, and I headed to work.

I was getting text message updates from Kyle and my mom throughout the morning, and I was very selfishly praying that the baby wouldn't come until later in the day or at night so I could be there.  Since I was in a long-term sub position, it was kind of difficult for me to take off and try to get another sub in my place for the whole day. 

Around 10:30am I got a text message that Kyla was about to start pushing and at about 11:30 I got this picture:

Ellis Paige Coots had arrived!  She was born at 11:20am at 7 lbs 8 oz and 20 inches long. 
I had so many mixed emotions...of course I was thrilled that she was here and healthy, but I was also SO disappointed that I wasn't there for the birth. 

I ended up leaving school just a little early while another teacher covered my class.  I ran home to pack everything up so we could head out right after Mitch got off work.  He was dying to meet Ellis too, and it would have been silly for my mom, Mitch, and I to all be in Austin in separate cars, so I waited for him so we could all go together.  

On the way to Austin I learned that we weren't going to make it there in time for me to see Ellis that night because their visiting hours ended earlier than when we would arrive.  I almost cried when I found that out!  I couldn't wait to get my hands on her, but I would have to wait until the next day.

I settled for seeing several cute pictures of her instead of meeting her.

Big Brother & Little Sister

A new family of 4!

Isn't she perfect?!?  Love, love those chubby cheeks!

Lane had a soccer game the next morning, so the rest of the crew went to watch him play while I went to meet Ellis and keep Kyla company at the hospital.  Evin was getting over an ear infection and a cold, so she never came to the hospital to meet Ellis.  She would meet her later!

Mama & her girl

So happy to have a niece!

 We heard that Lane had a GREAT game and scored his first goal (actually 2 goals!) at the game.  He was awarded the Weekly Sportsmanship Award.  Kyla was so sad she missed it!

 Lane came by the hospital after the game to share the news with his mommy & Ellis.  He was pretty excited!

Mitch meeting Ellis for the first time.  Excited to be an uncle again!

Mums & her 3rd grandbaby

I brought Ellis a gift to the hospital- a cute bunny outfit since she arrived just in time for Easter...

...and a gown that I had appliqued her name onto.  

 Kyla snapped some great pics in the hospital.

Such a sweet, beautiful girl!  So proud that we share a middle name. :)

 Happy for her to be a mama to a little girl!

We love you, Ellis Paige!

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