Tuesday, July 1, 2014

15 months old

My E-girl is 15 months old!  It’s crazy how much faster time flies with a little one.

Weight: 19 lbs 11 oz  (26%)

Length:  29.6 in (18%)

Clothes: Mostly 12 month, some 12-18 month

Shoe Size:  3

Diaper Size: 3

Eats 3 meals and 1 or 2 snacks a day.  She had a couple of weeks where her eating wasn’t as great, but for the most part she loves to eat and eats almost anything.  There are times that I think she eats adult sized portions, but don’t really know if I should cut her off or not!  She usually eats the most at breakfast.

A few of her favorite foods:
Cooked carrots
Beans (baked, refried, black, ranch style, she likes them all!)
Rice (any kind!)
Mandarin Oranges
Macaroni & Cheese
Blueberry waffles
Loves chicken dipped in a tiny bit of ketchup

Rather than picking up small pieces of food and eating them one at a time, she loves to grab food by the fistful and shove it all in her mouth.  We need to work on manners…

We have to limit the number of puffs she eats because I am pretty sure she could eat them ALL day!  She can finally get the puffs out of her snack cup that has the plastic blocker top (I don’t even know what to call that thing!) on it, but she usually grabs too many at once and when she pulls her hand out puffs go flying.  If she is eating them in a store, we usually leave a puff trail…

We got rid of her bedtime bottle at 14 ½ months.  I thought she would have a rough time with this, and she did take a little longer to fall asleep for a couple of nights, but overall she did great.  We offered her a cup of milk instead and she is fine with that instead of a bottle.

Drinks her milk from a cup with a straw.  She never uses a sippy cup that you tip up, she only likes the kind with a straw.

Tooth count: still a big fat 0
We went through several weeks when I was 99% confident she was teething because she was NOT herself, she was drooling a ton, and there were little white buds on her gums, but she never got any teeth.  I am beginning to wonder if there are any teeth down in there at all, or if she is going to be toothless her whole life.  
 (Kidding.  Kind of.)

Has been sleeping from about 8:45pm-9am (sometimes later!).  She definitely has potential to be a 13 hour sleeper at night.  For the most part, she sleeps great at night and if she wakes up, she grabs her paci and goes right back to sleep.

Takes 1 long afternoon nap for about 2-3 hours.

She has gotten to where she doesn’t really want to be rocked or cuddled if she is ready to go to sleep.  She acts like she can’t get comfy in my arms and wiggles around, so I just put her down and she usually fusses for just a minute and then goes to sleep.

Way fussier this month than she has ever been.  Looking back at my Mom’s One Line a Day book (where I jot down a quick sentence at the end of the day about Evin/what we did that day) I wrote down the word “fussy” A LOT. 

Ran a low-grade fever for a couple of days, didn’t sleep well for a couple of nights, and was just super cranky.  I took her to the doctor and it was a cold, which was no fun, but at least it didn’t develop into an ear infection.

Will tell you what a horse (blows air through her lips), cow & a dog says when you ask her. 

Will also pat her belly when you ask her where her tummy is.  She only does these tricks on her terms and if she is in the mood.  If she is feeling it at the moment, she will happily do them all in a row.  If she’s not in the mood, she looks at you with a blank stare as if to say, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

She loves to walk holding 1 hand.  These days, she would prefer to just hold 1 hand than hold onto both of your hands.  She wants to walk everywhere, but shows no interest in walking by herself.  If you let go of her hand, she will immediately sit down and start whining or throwing a fit to get up and go again.

Says Dada, Beckham (Beb-m), & Mama consistently
Has also said:
Baby (beh-bee)
Bye bye
Bad (Bah) -she says this when the dogs bark or if they are acting wild

One of her favorite “words” to say this month was “orzo”.  She would point at random things and say “orzo” or just say it while she was playing.  We have no idea what it means, but she certainly said it a lot!

She is getting harder and harder to control at church.  She’s just at the age where she wants to get down and go, and can only sit still and quietly for so long.  Puffs, crackers and books serve as entertainment, but she usually starts getting a little rowdy and more vocal right as the sermon is starting.  Mitch or I have to take her out of the sanctuary almost every single time.

She is becoming a social butterfly and really likes to get people’s attention.  She loves to wave hello and goodbye to people.  Grocery shopping takes quite a bit longer now because she is convinced that it is a parade and she is the main event.  She grins and waves at everyone as we walk by and it often times turns into conversations.  Of course, then there are times that I want her to be friendly and she will just sit and stare at a person.  Silly girl!

Loves exploring and playing with things other than her toys.

She is becoming very attached to her baby iPod toy.  She uses it pretty much every time she is in her car seat and she will put it right up to her ear and let it rest on her shoulder.  It’s like her little boombox.

LOVES to be outside.  During the day she is constantly crawling to the door and pointing to go outside. 

She has a SUPER cheesy grin.  She squints her eyes up and shows her gummy smile.  She will be straight-faced and immediately flash a cheesy grin and then go back to straight-faced. 

She has been swimming a few times this summer and loved it.

Rather than giving kisses on the mouth, she now offers her forehead or cheek for you to kiss.  It is like she is doing us a favor by letting us kiss her, like it is a privilege or something!

She still loves to look at books and be read to.  Favorites this month would have to be Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See? and other similar Eric Carle books, or lift-the-flap books.

Strangers have commented on how she is the fastest crawler they have ever seen.  Maybe that’s why she won’t walk yet, because she is so fast at crawling!

When she is finished with something (food, book, a toy) she will fling it to the side.  She has quite the side-arm throw!

She is getting pretty good about going to sleep on her own.  I usually put her in her bed while she is awake and she goes to sleep with her paci.

Loves to shut doors, the refrigerator, the microwave, etc.

To be very honest, this month was a tough one for Little E (and Mommy & Daddy!).  She was cranky, fussy, and just not herself.  Even though it was tough overall, we are so thankful for our cute & funny girl.  Those moments when she crawls in your lap for a story or when she flashes you her gummy smile make all the tough moments worth it.  Our big 15 month old is the best thing in our lives!

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