Thursday, July 10, 2014

Week in Photos- 1 year 14 weeks

{June 25th-July 1st}

I think E looks so sweet (and so big!) here.

At 15 months and 4 days, Evin started walking!  We had been saying over and over that we thought she was close because she would walk all over the place holding onto just one finger.  She finally took her first steps one afternoon in the kitchen.  She took 3 steps to get from Mitch to the cabinets, so we tested her out and she walked from Mitch over to me, taking about 6 steps.
This video is from the next day, showing off her walking skills at Mums' house.

Look at those curls!!!
Her hair has a little bit of curl after she has a bath, but by the end of the day, she has a couple of super cute little ringlets.  My hair looked almost just like this, but a little bit darker, when I was her age.  Maybe it is 1 thing that she got from me, since most things she got from her daddy!

Dinner with friends. :)

Nothing like a big slice of watermelon after swimming.  This boy is such a cutie!

Nom, nom, nom.

How much pink can be in one picture?  A LOT!

Beep, beep!

Lookin' cool and like shes about 5 years old in her Nike kicks.

E had her 15 month well-check this week.  
She did a little furniture rearranging in the waiting room.

And read books while waiting!

She survived her shots and managed to still be in a pretty good mood the rest of the day.

Crazy loon!

We started wearing our red, white, and blue a couple of days before the end of June because we had too many outfits...oops!  I need to keep that in mind when buying for next year!

Yelling at the pups across the yard.

My firecracker.

Waving as people walked by our house.  She's quite the friendly girl lately.

Mitch's work gave away tickets to the Ranger's game, so we took advantage on Sunday afternoon.  I was prepared for it to be SO hot, since the game was at 2:05, but we were actually in the shade and there was a nice breeze.  It was fun to have a date with my hubs!
That monstrous bowl in the corner contains Mitch's meal- he did share some with me!

Her "uh-oh" face.  She says this all the time now.

She LOVES staring at herself or playing peek-a-boo with me in that tiny mirror in the bathtub.  Such a goober!

Patriotic attire is serious stuff.

We met Kyla, Lane, Ellis & Mums for dinner at Spring Creek.  Evin insisted on sitting in Lane's lap.  She wasn't excited about sitting with him at all.  ;)

The whole crazy crew went for fro-yo after dinner.  Yum!

We met some friends from my old Junior Achievement crew for lunch.  Evin sat at waved at Lisa most of the lunch!

The JA office was just a minute from where we ate, so we stopped in to say "hi" to everyone.  The president of the company was out on vacation, so Evin took the opportunity to play in his office. Don't worry- he was texted pictures and got a kick out of it!
Future CEO right here.

She actually preferred to prance all over the top of his desk...

Love this girlie!

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