Saturday, March 1, 2014

11 months old

Evin is 11 months old!  This past month was huge for her.  She learned so many new things and really made some major strides in her development.
This month…

Weight:  About 17 ½ lbs (was 17lbs 11oz fully clothed at 10 months 4 weeks)

Length: Was measured at 30 inches at her Pulmonology appointment, but I am thinking she is about 28 ½

Clothes: 9 month

Shoe Size:  2

Diaper Size: 2

Still taking 4 bottles a day of fortified breastmilk.  She’s been taking the full 6 ounces each bottle (but will take 4-5 oz to start and then takes the rest about 30 minutes later) and typically eats around 8:30, 12:30, 4:30, and 8:30. 

Eats 3 meals of solids a day.  She started eating quite a few more table foods this month!  Each meal she starts off with table food and then when she seems finished with that, we offer her baby food.  I would say ¾ of her meal comes from table food and the other ¼ is baby food.  She rarely eats oatmeal or rice cereal any more.

Favorite foods:
Green Beans
Potato Soup

STILL no teeth!  She might have her 1st birthday and still not have any teeth.

Loves puffs.  She eats them for little snacks or to keep her busy while I get her dinner ready.

She still loves to rock back and forth in her high chair, banging her head on the back part of the seat.  She has also started swatting at the spoon, making food go everywhere.  Sometimes I get so frustrated because she often does it even if I know she is still hungry!

Started drinking from a sippy cup this month.  She only likes the kind with a straw and I think it is because she is too lazy to tip up a cup herself.  Whatever works, I guess!

This month, I can’t say that she is the great sleeper that she has been.  We had a couple of weeks when she woke up quite a few times during the night.  We had a very rough couple of nights when we was congested and only wanted to sleep on my chest while I was standing up.  She had terrible coughing fits and was pretty miserable.  I later found out that she had a double ear infection and a sinus infection.  She usually goes down for the night around 8:45 and typically wakes up in the morning around 8 or 8:30.

Most days she still takes 2 shorter (around 1 hour) naps, but some days she takes just 1 long (2-2.5 hour) nap.  She also had a few random days this month that she only slept 30 minutes all day.  Aye aye aye.

Prefers to sleep on her belly.  I always lay her down on her back, but it doesn’t take her long to flip to her belly and stay that way.

Still takes her pacifier to go to sleep and also uses it in the car.  She loves her giraffe wubbanub!

Started going from laying to sitting up at 10 months 5 days.  

We have a crawler!!!
Evin started creeping around on her belly at 10 months 1 week, and by the next week she was army crawling everywhere.  She scoots around so quickly now and is into everything.  It’s pretty cute how she pulls herself forward with her arms and gets her booty going back and forth.

She thinks it’s so funny if I “chase” her while crawling.  She will grin, take off, and then turn around to make sure I am still coming after her.  When I catch her she will lay her head down on the floor and giggle.  So cute!

Pulled up on her crib at 10 months 3 weeks.  She was close to doing this for awhile, but her feet kept slipping between the bars.

Loves to walk if you hold on to her hands and help her.  She is better at bending her knees, but still kind of kicks her legs out to the side sometimes.

L-O-V-E-S to give kisses & hugs.  She still gives big, open-mouth kisses and often will go in for several kisses in a row.  She will give hugs and kisses if you ask for them and often kisses her stuffed animals and books.

She is sweet and very affectionate sometimes but also started “hitting” this month.  She usually does it the first time out of excitement, but if she is told “no” and you pull her hand away, she tries to do it again.  She only hits in the face and she usually does it to me.  Little stinker!

No real words yet, but still likes to babble.  She has started stringing together several sounds and will spout them off like she is saying sentences.

As mentioned earlier, she had a double ear infection & a sinus infection a few days shy of her 11 month birthday.  We had a few rough nights of sleep where she only wanted to be held upright on my chest.  I had trouble sleeping sitting straight up, so not much sleep was gotten those nights.  During the day she had a runny nose and a cough, but was a trooper as she had her nose wiped and sucked out about a million times.  Poor baby! 

Diaper changes are horrible.  She flips, flails and wiggles around most of the time.  You must give her a toy or something to occupy her or she will make it impossible to change her diaper.  She also likes my singing (I am not sure why) so I do this during diaper changes and she will hold still.

Loves to point.  Sometimes she will use her pointer finger, but lately she has started pointing with her middle finger. :/  I guess it is the longest one, right?

She laughs out loud after she burps or toots.  Right now, it’s hilarious, but she will have to learn to say “excuse me” sooner or later!

Still loves to examine things.  If you offer her a bite of food, she must get an up-close look at it before she will eat it.  I am not sure if she thinks we are trying to trick her with her food or what.  She sure inspects it before eating it though!

She still enjoys her bath, but we will need to move out of the ducky tub soon.  She turns all around in it and wants to get on her knees and look at everything in and around the tub. 

Independent playtime has significantly improved since last month!  Now that she can crawl to get to different toys, she is happier playing by herself for a little while.

Loves to explore.

Favorite toys:
-Books, books, books-  she LOVES  to be read to and to sit and read books by herself.  Current favorites are Goodnight Gorilla & Toes, Ears & Nose lift-the-flap book.
-Crawl-through house front
-Anything that plays music and that she can stand up with (music table, interactive music cube, music mirror)

Still loves music and will now “dance, dance” on command.  She dances to music on her toys, the TV or even when there isn’t any music playing.  She bounces up and down and bobs her little head.  So cute!

Still loves to take those socks and shoes off.  This past month has been so cold that she hasn’t gone too many places, which has resulted in her spending more days in her PJs than in regular clothes.  Thank goodness those footed jammies keep her tooties nice and warm so we don’t have to battle keeping socks on all day!

She is still my helper and turns off the light every time we leave a room.

Scared of the vacuum cleaner and the garage door opening/closing.  She clings to whoever is holding her and buries her head in their chest.

She loves the dogs.  Actually, she is overly obsessed with the dogs.  She crawls after them, wants to touch their paws, gives them kisses and thinks they are hilarious.

In her eyes, Lane in the coolest 3 year old to ever walk the planet.  She watches his every move and is so excited every time she gets to see him.  I am not sure we are going to have any problems with her standing up for herself, though, because if he takes something from her or does something she doesn’t like, she grunts and throws her arms down.

She is ticklish on her neck and sides.

So, in summary, this month Evin:

-Started drinking from a sippy cup
-Started eating more table food than baby food during meals
-Went from laying to sitting
-Started army crawling
-Pulled up

This was such a big month for her!  I feel like she was doing some new trick every couple of days.  Big girl!

Evin is really such an easy baby and is the perfect combination of sweet & sassy.  I can’t believe (really, can it be almost happening?!) that she is almost a whole year old!

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