Friday, July 5, 2013

First few days at home...

We were so happy, thrilled, relieved, excited, anxious and scared to take Evin home.  These are probably all normal emotions for first time parents to have when taking their baby home, but I feel like ours were probably amplified times 10 after our NICU stay.  We were so ready to get into a routine and create our new "normal" at home with Evin.

We got home around noon and by late afternoon we had received a phone call from my mom saying that Mia (our 3 year old German Shorthaired Pointer) had been bitten by a snake in her backyard and she was rushing her to the animal hospital.  My mom had been keeping the dogs at her house for a good portion of our hospital stay with Evin, so she was going to continue to keep both pups with her for a few days so we could get used to having Evin at home before introducing them.  Mitch left immediately to meet her at the animal hospital.  Long story short...Mia had to stay overnight and had plenty of fluids and meds pumped through her.  She was able to come home the next day and recovered just fine at home!
The snake bit her right on the nose, but the swelling traveled down to her neck and into her chest.

Sleepy, swollen pup!

Beyond Mia's snakebite, we loved being at home with our sweet girl.  Here are some photos from her first few days at home:

3 1/2 weeks old

Didn't mind the actual bath, but didn't care for the drying off and getting dressed process!

Lane is very into Doc McStuffins right now, so he wanted to give Evin a check-up using his doctor's kit.  He took her temperature.
And checked her blood pressure!
We got home on Saturday and Evin had her first appointment with the pediatrician on Monday.

She did great!

Spending some time at home with GiGi!

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