Saturday, November 2, 2013

7 months old

I feel like I say this every month, but really, where has the time gone?!  How can I already have a 7 month old?  This is a really fun age and I feel like Evin is doing something new every day.  I am enjoying everything about our post-surgery lifestyle!

Here is what our big 7 month old has been up to this past month:

Weight:  Almost 14 ½ lbs

Length:About 25 ½ inches

Clothes:  3-6 month or 6 month

Diapers:  Just moved to size 2!

Shoe:  Size 1

Takes 4 bottles a day, usually around 8, 12, 4 and 8:30.  We offer her 6 oz bottles, but she takes anywhere from 4-6 oz each time.  Gets fortified breastmilk from a bottle.  She doesn’t really like to be held while she eats, and prefers to eat sitting in her bouncer.  We have to sit on the floor next to her and feed her.  Whatever it takes, I guess!

Eats 3 meals of solids a day.  Fruit & oatmeal in the morning, usually a veggie & rice cereal at lunch, and a big meal of rice cereal, a veggie and a fruit at dinner.  She definitely loves her solids!  She will eat mostly anything now, even green beans & carrots, which she didn’t like at first.

Sweet potatoes
Mixed veggies (carrots, peas, potatoes or spinach)
Loves almost any fruit

Tried the sippy cup a few times but she just doesn’t “get it” yet.

Started sleeping in her own crib shortly after her 6 month birthday.  For the first week or two she woke up around 3:30am for a bottle.  Would take 3-3.5 oz and go right back to sleep.

Sleeps on her side most of the time.

Wakes on her own around 7:00-7:30am and is ready for bed around 9:30pm.

Usually takes 1 big nap and 1-2 short naps each day.  We moved a box fan in her room and run it during naptime to drown out the noise.  She has been sleeping longer with it on!

Still sleeps with her Snuza breathing monitor on.

Picks up her legs and slams them down on the mattress when she is excited and ready to get up.

Starting to bear a little bit of weight on her legs when you stand her up, but she doesn’t ever really try to get in the standing position. 

Had her first mild cold.  It lasted about 3-4 days.

Started staying at home with Daddy or Mums while I sub a few days a week.

Loves to sit up in her boppy.

Likes most women, but still doesn’t care for men very much.

Rarely smiles at strangers.  She saves up all of her smiles for people she knows!

Still a pretty good car rider.  Is usually content to look in her mirror or play with her paci or a toy.  She still falls asleep in the car pretty frequently.

Went to visit family in San Angelo and Austin.

Still loves bath time.  Likes to kick and splash or play with bath toys.

Loves to read!

Waiting, waiting, waiting for that bottom tooth to pop through.  The tooth keeps moving up and then back down.  Drooling a ton!

Had a few fussier weeks this month, so maybe that means she is about to have some big changes developmentally!

Likes to grab at everything…our food, drinks, toys, anything that is within her reach.

Getting pretty good at picking up her paci and putting it in her mouth.  She does this in the car and also sometimes in her bed at night.

Really close to rolling over back to tummy and sitting up by herself.  Can sit on her own for a few seconds at a time.  She definitely prefers to be in the upright position these days.

Definitely content being left with Mums or GiGi & PawPaw, but she really lights up when Mommy and Daddy are around.

When being rocked before bed she loves to reach up and touch my face.  Sometimes she grabs for my hair too, but mostly it is face-patting!

Favorite toys:
Push-top ball popper
Baby doll
Toy cell phone

Getting better at reaching for people to be picked up.  She kind of forgot how to do this after her surgery since we weren’t able to pick her up under her arms.

Is pretty proud of herself when we carry her on our hip.  We didn’t do this for the longest because it was hard to get her in that position without picking her up under her arms.  Now that we carry her that way, she feels like a big girl!

Enjoys being outside.

Still loves her bouncy seat.  I think this is by far the baby item we have used the most!

Is a pretty happy girl, especially when she is at home.

This little girl has brought us an immeasurable amount of joy.  I love watching her grow and discover new things.  We are so proud of you, Evin!

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