Saturday, December 21, 2013

Week in Photos- 37 weeks old

December is here!  We were excited to break out all of our Christmas attire for the month.  Doesn't she look like a little Christmas princess here?!  Red & green galore!

Evin had a pulmonology appointment on December 4th for her monthly Synagis vaccine.  Happy in the waiting room...

and she managed a smile after 2 shots!  Tough girl.

Posing with one of the pieces of art at Cook's.

I was excited because the hospital had decorated for Christmas.  Isn't this tree beautiful?

Little Evin Claus in Santa's chair.

This roly poly is all over the place.  She loves to roll over to the TV stand and try to open the drawers.

She appropriately wore this snowman outfit on the day that we were expecting an ice storm.  
(Photo bomb by Beckham)

We bought our tree several days earlier, but the cold weather prompted us to get it in from the garage and get it set up.  She loved it!

Major cheeeese.

Checkin' out the ice from the comfort of our warm home. 

News channels called this "Icemageddon 2013."  My poor hubby not only had to drive to and from work in this, but he had to drive in it all day long since he is a paramedic.  Yuck!

Because of the ice, we were stuck at home for 4 days straight.  You can find Evin in her pajamas (and me in mine) in pretty much every picture for the rest of the week!
Practicing picking up puffs.  Getting pretty good at it!

Tuckered out.

She loves playing with her Little People wise men.

My heart!

Being trapped inside forced me to drag out my Christmas decorations and get busy decorating.  Evin was a good girl and I was able to decorate while she played and napped.

Tryin' out a new do!

Caught her smiling in her sleep.

She has mastered the fake smile.  Cracks me up!

As always, Mia is right by Evin while she plays on the floor.  Don't they look excited to be trapped inside for the 4th day in a row?!

GiGi made some potato soup and brought it over to us.  Evin got to try some and LOVED it!  Can't say I blame her- it was pretty tasty!

Evin started saying "dada" this week and there has been no turning back!  She loves to babble about "dadada" all the time.  We aren't sure that she associates it with her daddy yet, but she sure seems to think she knows what she's talking about. ;)

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