Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Week in Photos- 1 year 12 weeks

{Week of June 11th-17th}

Some mornings when I don't shower before Evin gets up, I put her in her crib with a bunch of toys and just keep the video monitor with me while I shower and get ready.  I've tried keeping her in the bathroom with me, and she screams when I get in the shower.  This is what works, for now!

This girl LOVES breakfast!!!

Ready for the day!

She loves to take her baby on walks around the house.  Now if she could just figure out how to back up and turn the stroller around when she runs into a wall...

Evin's Aunt Elizabeth, Mitch's brother's wife, made Evin this ADORABLE book for her birthday.  I hadn't gotten her picture reading to to her yet, so I am happy that I finally did!  It is called E.K. The Most Special Giraffe and she wrote and illustrated the whole thing.  It is about a baby giraffe that has to have heart surgery and now she has the most special and sweet heart.  I can't wait until Evin truly understands what the words mean and that she does have the most special heart.  Thank you for the incredible book, Auntie E!

She certainly busts out her model poses when she is in her swimsuit.

Ready to try out her splash mat from GiGi & PawPaw.

She liked it!

I foresee using this a lot this summer!

I mentioned putting Evin in her crib while I shower and get ready in the mornings.  I checked the monitor after I got out of the shower and she was taking a little rest, surrounded by her toys!  About 30 seconds later she popped her little head up and got back to playing.

After a lunch at Cotton Patch, the kids wanted to ride the horses.
Cowboy Lane up first!!

There was another horse pulling a cart, so Lane rode the pony and Evin rode in the super bouncy cart. 


Cute little cowpokes.

So stylish in Mommy's shades.

She FINALLY made friends with the vacuum cleaner.

She cracks me up with her iPod.  She loves it and listens to it constantly!  Her favorite way to ride is with it up on her shoulder, right next to her ear.  It's like her mini boom box!

USA's first World Cup game was this week, so we jumped at the opportunity to dress the girls in their red, white & blue!

Oh, her Daddy is so proud.

Ready for game time!

How could any body NOT love this cheesy grin?  Even if there are moments of frustration, those feelings melt away when I see this smile.  She's the best!

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