Saturday, June 14, 2014

Week in Photos- 1 year 7 weeks & Mother's Day

{May 7th-May 14th}

Rain watching...

...with her buddy!

I grabbed a smoothie while at Target and it quickly ended up in the hands of someone else.

 Goofy girl during breakfast

Evin and I packed up and headed to Brady with Mums for the weekend.  We hadn't seen Paw in awhile, and my cousin was getting married in Brady on Saturday.
 We met up with this cute crew for the wedding.

We also got to see some family we hadn't seen in awhile.  Lane and Ryan (my cousin's little boy) had fun chatting about baseball.

 And Haley, Ryan's sister, had fun playing with the babies!

My Uncle Melvin & Aunt Vera hadn't met Ellis yet, so they took turns admiring her.

 This little girl was somewhat of a toot during the ceremony.  She was wiggly, kind of loud, and enjoyed throwing her My Little Ponies on the ground.  I had to get up with her about halfway through and we watched the rest of the ceremony from the church foyer.

 This boy loves his Momma.

 I think if Haley lived closer we would have to call her up to babysit!

 With our girls.  And one of the few pictures where Kyla is taller than me- thanks to her wedges and my flats!

Group picture attempt #1.
Evin was in desperate need of a nap.

 Attempt #2
Again, she really needed a nap!

Paw, with his 5th great-grandbaby

This was Mother's Day weekend, and we joined up with the Coots and gave Mums a group gift.  We went ahead and gave it to her a day early, and Lane was more than willing to help her open.

 We gave her a shirt, a hand mixer, and we painted a canvas using the kids' footprints (will have to post a picture of that later).

 <3 this little girl!

 Lane was pretty pumped to put on his army gear and play "soldier" with Paw, since he was a REAL army man.
I think he had just told Paw that the grenade in his hand was about to go off.  Ha!

 So tough!!!

 This little princess snoozed through all the army play.  I didn't mind holding her one bit. ;)

The Coots headed back to Austin later that night and Mums, Evin & I stayed the night.  

 Breakfast the next morning was possibly one of the cutest things I've ever seen.  Evin got to sit at the bar with Paw and eat her breakfast.  She was in a great mood and she and Paw just chatted, ate, and grinned at each other.

Isn't this the cutest?!?


Not long after breakfast, we headed home.  It was Mother's Day, so we wanted to make sure to have some family time.  I was super excited to come home to a clean house, a clean car, and some sweet cards & presents.  Mitch was hard at work anticipating our arrival!

 Mums headed home after a quick Mother's Day picture with Little E.  We are so, so thankful for everything she does for us.  She gets up early (and getting up early isn't her "thing"), comes to our house, and keeps Evin while we are both at work.  She cleans & does our laundry (even though we tell her not to!) while she is at our house.  She is constantly giving and doing things for us.  Evin is pretty crazy about her, so I feel like she already knows she has the best Mums there ever was!

 Thankful for this girl who made me a mommy!

 Could her smile get any cheesier?!

Someone pulled up during our photo shoot and she was excited to see...

 (and PawPaw, but he wasn't in the picture- ha!)
Evin is so lucky to have another wonderful grandmother.  GiGi & Evin have a ball together!  She is so willing to help us out in any way she can and always comes through with surprise boxes of diapers or boxes of coffee right when we need them.  Evin has GiGi wrapped around her little finger and E adores her.  We love our GiGi- she's the best!  Happy Mother's Day!

 Having a good ol' time swinging with PawPaw.

Later that week...

 Stripped down to just a bib for a messy dinner.

One of my favorite things...sitting and reading On the Night You Were Born with my girl. 

PawPaw got a new kayak to go fishing with Mitch, and of course, Evin had to test it out in the garage before he could take it out in the water.  I think she approves!

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